2025 -2026 Programs
March 15, 2025 Leading the Faithful
Speaker: The Reverend Dr. Sarah Kalish
Title: Leading the Faithful: One Women’s Story
Date/Time: March 15, 2025, 2pm
Location: SouthPark Regional Library: 7015 Carnegie Boulevard, Charlotte NC
Description: Rev. Dr. Sarah Kalish shares her experiences on women in ministry in the United Methodist tradition. She will discuss the importance of women as leaders, the impact of having women as leaders, and of course add some historical interest about women of faith as leaders.
Saturday February 22, 2025 – Noon to 4 pm
This STEM program, hosted by UNC Charlotte Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and AAUW Charlotte Area volunteers, will be held in the UNCC Engineering Building. This STEM event is for middle school students who will participate in STEM related hands-on activities. AAUW members will assist the students with the hands on activities. Refreshments will be provided.
Address: Epic Building, 8700 Phillips Road, Charlotte NC 28223
Can you imagine how this article from the STEM education newsletter below impacts Science majors? https://www.science.org/content/article/trump-executuve-order-puts stem-diversity-efforts-hold.
2024-2025 Programs & Events
December 28, 2024 Community Service Project
Charlotte Area AAUW members met at the Park Road Book Store to select books for Charlotte Mecklenburg Title 1 School libraries. Members selected K-12 books that encouraged interest in STEM, showcased successful women, or that brought back memories of books read as children. They purchased more than 30 books.
2023-2024 Programs & Events_
Theatre Charlotte Curtain Time
March presentation of The Thursday Night Bridge Circle.
Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024
Time: 1:30 pm (Curtain time is 2:30 pm)
Location: Theatre Charlotte
Come early to the Lobby. The newly restored theatre with new leadership has decided to open the lobby and refreshment amenities an HOUR before the plays (unless otherwise posted) so that friends may gather and enjoy the pre-theatre experience!
February Program
Impact of African-American Women Engineers, Zoomed state-wide on Saturday, February 24
On Saturday, February 24th, Dr. Pamela Oviedo presented the AAUW Charlotte Branch program. The focus was on girls in middle and high school. Dr. Oviedo, Branch member and STEM Chair, created a captivating PowerPoint presentation that highlighted the remarkable achievements of African American women in Engineering.
March Program
AAUW NC Annual Meeting
Charlotte Area Members are encouraged to participate in the AAUW NC Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting serves as our Charlotte Area program/meeting for March. You may join the Zoom at any time, for as long as you wish to participate.
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024
Time: 9:30 am — 1:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Members were asked to register for one of the three breakout sessions..
January Branch Program
TITLE: League of Women Voters “Voter Registration Training”
DATE: January 18, 2024 (Please contact Marleen or Rita by January for registration information)
TIME: 7pm-8pm, This is a recurring meeting. Meet anytime.
DESCRIPTION: New laws! Early voting issues! Issues with ballots not being counted! The League provides outreach support, makes sure people are aware of Voter ID, and other changes to election laws. 2024 will provide many changes for voters and we need to continue to make sure that they have all the information to make their ballot counts. The last day to turn in voter registration forms for the 2024 primary is February 9th and early voting starts on Feb 15th!
Voter Registration Training – Marleen and I have been asked to send the names of AAUW members interested in being trained. The League will host several Voter Registration Training sessions for anyone. Please let us know if you are interested but unable to attend on January 18th.
After Training – AAUW will partner with a League volunteer to go out in the community and get people registered as well as offer voting information.
November Branch Program
Date & Time: Saturday, November 18, 2023, 1:30 pm
Location: Southpark Regional Library, 7015 Carnegie Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28210
Topic: Gender Pay Equity!
Description: Former Coalition for Pay Equity leader Cate Stadelman will be featured with AAUW members Suzanne Elsberry and Lucille Howard for this event In June it was reported that the share of working-age women between 25 and 54 who are working or looking for work hit 77.8% — an all-time high. Will these women earn wages consistent with their credentials and experience? Probably not–so be sure to participate in the Nov. 18 program to learn about ways AAUW can promote its goal of gender pay equity.
October Branch Program
October 24, 2023, 7 pm-8 pm, Virtual/ZOOM
Title: The STEM Gap, or How Girls Lose Interest in Studying Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics, and What Can We Do To Help Close the Gap with “the boys.”
Want to hear what STEM professionals are saying about closing the gap between girls and boys? Join our program to learn what our panelists have to say about advocating for and as well as educating girls and women in the area of STEM. Speakers include Lois Artis, AAUW Fellow; Pamela Oviedo, PhD, AAUW Charlotte STEM Chair; Lucille Howard, AAUW Charlotte Public Policy Chair; a young career engineer; and a college mathematics professor with an interesting project. Speakers will offer comments from the AAUW-NC STEM Western Carolina University event, an AAUW National STEM perspective, and STEM in the CMS District. As an orientation to the topic, take a minute to review the Closing the Gap AAUW publication.
August 1-2, 2023, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Teacher Workshop
Garinger High School, 1100 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, NC 28205.
Our branch provided AAUW materials and other goodies for attendees of the North Carolina Science Leadership Association (NCSLA). NCSLA partnered with the Center of Excellence for Research, Teaching, and Learning (CERTL) at the Wake Forest School of Medicine to provide a 3-day workshop this summer. The workshop is designed to provide K-12 teachers with inquiry-based lessons in Problem-Based Learning that integrate science, math, language arts, and other areas of the curriculum.
2022-2023 Programs & Events
June 17, 2023, Saturday, 10 – 11 am, Free, No Rain Date
Take a Walk in Maplewalk Garden
4255 Kingswood Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 info@maplewalkgarden.com
Members and guests are invited to take a stroll through these Southern gardens with 2.25 acres of remarkable trees, shrubs, and perennials. Created by master gardeners Lib Jones and Tom Nunnenkamp who have called this home for 30 years.
MapleWalk Garden is in a residential neighborhood (also called Kingswood) in the South Park area of Charlotte, NC. Park your car on Kingswood or a side street (please, no tires on neighbors’ lawns) and enter the garden using the wide grass path lined with stones.
June 2, 2023
University of NC – Charlotte J. Murrey Atkins Library.
Young People’s Literature Award Book Presentation
The Charlotte Branch delivered the Young People’s Literature Award book to the University of North Carolina – Charlotte J. Murrey Atkins Library. UNCC shelves the book in the teacher development collection.
Working with the North Carolina Literacy and Historical Association, this award has been given each year since 1953 to a North Carolina author of juvenile literature published in the past year and is indicative of AAUW’s support of education for girls.
May 6, 2023, Saturday, 11:30 AM, Trio Restaurant
Annual Meeting
Members and guests enjoyed brunch and our Annual Meeting at Trio Restaurant. Besides good fellowship, we elected new officers, passed Bylaws changes, and voted to award a free AAUW membership.
March 18, 2023, Saturday, 10:00 AM, South Park Regional Library
“I am Because We Are, Sharing Leadership Stores from Bertha Maxwell-Roddey: A Modern-Day Race Woman and the Power of Black Leadership”
Author Sonya Ramsey, Ph.D., shared her research on the life and legacy of a local female leader, Bertha Maxwell-Roddey, Ph.D.
Saturday, February 25, 2023, Saturday, 10:00 AM, Virtual
“Women Lead: Moving from Policy to Practice”
Reviewed a webinar Policy vs Practice from AAUW National, then discussed key points such as Feminism Wave, Feminism vs Womanism, equality in the workplace, public policy, as well as putting policies into practice.
January 28, 2023, 10 am – 11am, Zoom
AAUW Members Serving the Community: In Recognition of National Day of Service
Join your fellow AAUW Charlotte Branch members as we gather to complete virtual service projects and activities for a local non-profit, Classroom Central which supports various area school districts.
December 3, 2022, Saturday, 11:30 AM
Charlotte Motor Speedway Club Restaurant
Members gathered to share a meal, build community, and just see each other.
November 28, 2022, Monday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM, South Park Reginal Library
Creating Community – Finding the Thread that Binds.
Speaker, Rebecca LaClaire presented Native American history, shared cultural stereotypes, and discussed ways to build allyship between Native American women leaders, AAUW, and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. Charlotte Mecklenburg librarians presented resources available through the library.
October 25, 2022, Tuesday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM, South Park Regional Library
AAUW Public Policy Update.
Lucille Howard, AAUW Charlotte Branch Public Policy Chair presented on North Carolina Public Policy and encouraged members to take action.
September 28, 2022, Wednesday, 6:30 – 7:30 PM
South Park Regional Library
Women in Performing Arts – Their Views on Equity and Leadership.
Our panelists, Dance/Ballet: Kimberly Pereira, Charlotte Ballet, Director of Education & Community Engagement; Music: Dawn Anthony, Jazz Vocalist; and Theatre: Robin Tynes-Miller, Co-Founder of “3 Bone Theatre Company”, presented on the woman in the arts, equity, and leadership.
August 27, 2022, Saturday, 2:00 PM, Myers Park Baptist Church Education Center
Women’s Equity Day Celebration!
“Women Firsts- Representation and Real Political Power”
Suzanne Elsberry, President of League of Women Voters Charlotte Mecklenburg, will serve as moderator to panelist Delores Johnson Hurt; AAUW Charlotte President, Beverly Larson; Commissioner Susan Rodriguez-McDowell; Jeanne Smith and Cate Stadelman.
For older programs use links below: